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  1. Follow the lead and example of higher ups.

  2. Always wear your leather jacket / kuttes and patch when in Public Lobbies or on official Club business.

  3. Members are obligated to ride only on Motorcycles in public sessions. Exceptions are free roam activities and missions. 

  4. No crew killing (except in those circumstances when it's clearly agreed).

  5. Always check session for presence of other MCs and avoid attacking other MC members. We are generally friendly with all other MCs, so do not shoot at anyone on a motorcycle or wearing a kutte. If someone from our friendly list shoots at you, explain to them that our clubs are friendly toward each other, and let a higher up know. The list of friendly crews can be found here, along with our enemies whom you are free to shoot.

  6. Your Social Club profile have to be set as public.

  7. Use Discord voice communicator even if you don't have a mic you will hear whats going on (ask officer for invite).

  8. No trash-talking or patch-pics (photos of dead MC members, especially patches of real-life MCs). 

  9. This is your active crew, and your only MC. No tolerance for crew hopping and repping other crews.

  10. Never enter passive mode.

  11. No modding, no hanging out with modders. If you are caught modding or asking for modded cash, you will be kicked. Zero tolerance.     


     Weapon Clause

Members of motorcycle club are only allowed to use specific set of weapons during the combat. These weapons include:

  • All assault rifles

  • Shotguns except assault shotgun, bullpup shotgun and heavy shotgun

  • All SMGs

  • All handguns

  • All melee weapons

  • Sniper rifles except marksman rifle are only allowed to use against random non-MC attackers

  • MGs only against random attackers


During the fight against other MC members strictly stick to using assault rifles or lesser weapons. Heavy weapons and explosives are generally not allowed to use during the combat. These include RPG, homing missile, grenade launcher, minigun, C4, proximity mine and grenades. Members are not allowed to use these weapons even against motorcycles or personal vehicles. The only exceptions are armored and military vehicles which can be destroyed using explosives. However, minigun is not allowed to use under any circumstances and those who own an office are obliged to remove it from a weapon wheel. Pulling out minigun or using it during fight will result in disciplinary action. The only vehicles allowed to use for combat are motorcycles. Members are not allowed to kill enemies by running them over with a car or drive-by kills in cars. Using mounted weapon on car of non-MC or MC friends is also forbidden.


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